Automatic kitchen leg assembly machine

Automated workstation for assembling kitchen legs is a technologically advanced solution that allows for quick and precise assembly of a three-part kitchen leg. Thanks to the use of a rotating table, the assembly cycle time is kept below 3 seconds, enabling efficient large-scale production. The entire workstation is designed to enable maximum automation of the […]

Inserting inserts into plastic injection molding

The workstation for inserting inserts into plastic injection molding using a KUKA robot is a modern solution that enables precise and efficient insertion of elements into plastic injection molding. The KUKA robot has been designed with maximum efficiency and precision in mind, allowing for high-quality products to be produced. In addition, quality control systems have […]

Test assembly station

The laboratory test assembly station is an advanced tool that enables precise and efficient production of laboratory tests. It consists of 6 assembly stations where various assembly operations are performed. Each station performs a specific activity, making it possible to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. This makes the production process faster and more efficient. Two robots […]

Lipstick assembly

Our assembly stations, such as the one for lipstick production, are a perfect example of how our devices can increase production efficiency. With a cycle time of only 2 seconds, our assembly stations are able to assemble finished products from two elements, apply grease to the side surface of the body, and unscrew the cup […]

PCB assembly + laser marking

PCB assembly station with quality control and laser marking system is an advanced tool that enables the production of high-quality and customized products. Above all, this station consists of several elements that allow for production from the assembly stage, through quality control, to laser marking. In the first stage, PCBs are placed in special holders […]

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